Although it is mainly a word-of-mouth system, check into a prospective healthcare provider in advance. Travel experts recommend that travelers do some research of prospective pharmacies and doctors before making a visit for a health-related reason. Customs office when planning a prescription purchase for more than a month’s supply. Travelers should be sure to check with the U.S. So whether you wish to visit Algodones for a new pair of eyeglasses, a doctor’s visit, or a Mexican-flavored vacation, Algodones is a choice destination.
Remember, as well, that Algodones pharmacies require prescriptions for most medications. Medical and dental care are also far more inexpensive than in the north. Both Americans and Canadians flock to Algodones on a weekly basis to take advantage of low prescription medication costs. It has been said of Algodones that there is a greater concentration of pharmacies, doctors and dentists in a mere few blocks than anywhere else in the world.